Binary Search Tree


Search is surely the most frequenly performed action by computers. Let's consider a simple dictionary ADT that represent data structure that can do search and store information.

Dictionary ADT

In [1]:
trait Dictionary[Key, E] {
    def clear(): Unit

    def insert(k: Key, e: E): Unit

    def remove(k: Key): Option[E]

    def removeAny(): Option[E]

    def find(k: Key): Option[E]

    def size: Int
defined trait Dictionary

Binary search tree (BST) node ADT

To implement dictionary, here I use binary search tree. First, I need to define node of the tree.

In [2]:
trait BinNode[E] {
    def element: E
    def setElement(newElement: E): Unit
    def left: Option[BinNode[E]]
    def right: Option[BinNode[E]]
    def isLeaf: Boolean
defined trait BinNode

BST node implementation

In [3]:
class BSTNode[Key, E](private var k: Key, private var e: E,
                      private var l: Option[BSTNode[Key, E]] = None,
                      private var r: Option[BSTNode[Key, E]] = None) extends BinNode[E] {
    def key: Key = k
    def setKey(newKey: Key): Unit = k = newKey
    def element: E = e
    def setElement(newElement: E): Unit = e = newElement
    def left: Option[BSTNode[Key, E]] = l

    def setLeft(newLeft: Option[BSTNode[Key, E]]): Unit = l = newLeft
    def right: Option[BSTNode[Key, E]] = r
    def setRight(newRight: Option[BSTNode[Key, E]]): Unit = r = newRight
    def isLeaf: Boolean = left.isEmpty && right.isEmpty
defined class BSTNode

BST implementation

In [4]:
class BST[Key, E](implicit val ordering: Ordering[Key])
    extends Dictionary[Key, E] {
    var root: Option[BSTNode[Key, E]] = None
    var nodeCount = 0

    def clear(): Unit = {
        root = None
        nodeCount = 0

    def insert(key: Key, element: E): Unit = {
        root = insertRec(root, key, element)
        nodeCount += 1

    def remove(key: Key): Option[E] = {
        val temp = findRec(root, key)
        temp match {
            case Some(_) =>
                root = removeRec(root, key)
                nodeCount -= 1
            case None =>

    def removeAny(): Option[E] = {
        if (root.isEmpty) return None
        val temp = root.get.element
        root = removeRec(root, root.get.key)
        nodeCount -= 1

    def find(key: Key): Option[E] = findRec(root, key)

    def size: Int = nodeCount

    def findRec(root: Option[BSTNode[Key, E]],
                key: Key): Option[E] = {
        if (root.isEmpty) return None
        root.get.key match {
            case rootKey if
                rootKey, key) == 0 => Some(root.get.element)
            case rootKey if
                rootKey, key) > 0 => findRec(root.get.left, key)
            case _ => findRec(root.get.right, key)

    def insertRec(root: Option[BSTNode[Key, E]],
                  key: Key, element: E): Option[BSTNode[Key, E]] = {
        if (root.isEmpty) return Some(new BSTNode[Key, E](key, element))
        root.get match {
        case node if
  , key) > 0 => node.setLeft(insertRec(node.left, key, element))
        case node => node.setRight(insertRec(node.right, key, element))

    def removeRec(root: Option[BSTNode[Key, E]], key: Key): Option[BSTNode[Key, E]] = {
        if (root.isEmpty) return None
        root.get.key match {
            case rootKey if
                rootKey, key) > 0 => root.get.setLeft(removeRec(root.get.left, key))
            case rootKey if
                rootKey, key) < 0 => root.get.setRight(removeRec(root.get.right, key))
            case _ =>
                if (root.get.left.isEmpty) return root.get.right
                if (root.get.right.isEmpty) return root.get.left
                val temp: BSTNode[Key, E] = getMin(root.get.right)

    // called after findRec find the key so that there must be the key
    def getMin(root: Option[BSTNode[Key, E]]): BSTNode[Key, E] = {
        root.get.left match {
            case None => root.get
            case Some(node) => getMin(root.get.left)

    // called after findRec find the key so that there must be the key
    def deleteMin(root: Option[BSTNode[Key, E]]): Option[BSTNode[Key, E]] = {
        root.get.left match {
        case None => root.get.right
        case Some(node) => deleteMin(root.get.left)
defined class BST

Advantages and disadvantages of BST

Searching can be done with the data structures such as (un)sorted array, hashtable or BST. BST is fast compared to arrays to perform insert of find element. And only BST can handle range query that one want to find element within a certain range.

BST become slow when the tree is unbalanced and takes $\Theta(n^2)$ time to perform insert and find in the worst case. Fortunately, it can be augmented so that it always maintain the balanced property. The data structure is called AVL tree.